Distant World

Distant World

In preparation for composing music for a video game about a visit to another planet, I have composed this song. It features two guitars and two women singing a song in some unknown language. Later, percussion and an orchestral ostinato are added.


While composing this song, I thought of some distant, alien world. Two exotic female aliens sing this haunting song in an unknown language.

I used several virtual instruments for this song. The guitars are from the East-West “Goliath” instrument. The singers ‘voices are from two different “Ethera Gold” libraries; 2.5 and Atlantis. The background pad is from the Native Instruments “Arkhis” library, while the orchestral ostinatos are from “The Orchestra Complete 2”. The percussion comes from Native Instruments “Middle East” Discovery Series.

This cue was a lot of fun to compose and produce. For me, composing beautiful melodies is a wonderful experience!



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